Promoting a fair economy in
terms of skills infrastructure and culture.
This is our sustainability goal,
summarised every year in the Social Report.
“Our commitment to a sustainable, inclusive and responsible economy. “

Neten for social issues
Every day, we invest in the well-being of our employees and pay special attention to social issues. Not only do we pay attention to the growth, training and motivation of our employees, but we are also committed to occupational health and safety and corporate welfare.

Neten for
environmental issues
Sensitivity towards environmental issues leads us to offer ICT solutions that promote sustainable development by optimising the use of resources and reducing environmental impacts. We are, in fact, aware that in order to tackle climate change and reduce harmful emissions, even our work can make a difference.

Neten for Business and Governance issues
Customer satisfaction is at the heart of all our efforts. This is made possible through an excellent, personalised and state-of-the-art service experience which ensures the protection of company data and assets. Our mission is to create economic and financial value for your company by helping you achieve your business goals.